Celebrating International Women’s Day at Marathon Tours & Travel

Photo of Denise Yarrow, Product Manager at Destination Sport Experiences

International Women’s Day is on Friday 8 March and we are proud to celebrate the achievements of all of the women we work with across all our brands, from Marathon Tours & Travel, Sportive Breaks, Tri Travel and Destination Sport Experiences.

At Destination Sport Experiences across all of our brands, we work hard to help women achieve their participation sporting dreams and encourage a fairer and more equal playing field for all events, across all sports.

We are proud that all of our product managers & trip designers are women, providing their expertise and knowledge to our products and clients. Alongside that, they have completed a number of incredible sporting achievements, that we are only too proud to highlight!

Sarah Boyd – Marathon Tours & Travel Product Manager

Sarah leads on our triathlon and adventure running events and is always available to help and understand client’s needs and requirements during our events. She has run the Rome Marathon and the Berlin Marathon last year and got a sub 4-hour time in Berlin. You can read about her Rome experience and her Berlin experience here.

Marie Howarth – Marathon Tours & Travel Product Manager

Marie is one of our dedicated Product Manager’s at Marathon Tours & Travel and is our ultra marathon expert! Her running record is so long, that she has actually lost count of how many marathons she has fully completed.

Having completed an estimated 50+ marathons, Marie is a huge advocate of our products and helping all of our clients achieve their goals. She’s completed the Paris Marathon and Comrades Ultra twice, Two Oceans Ultra three times, the New York City Marathon four times, London Marathon five times and the Berlin Marathon seven times! If that wasn’t enough, she’s lost count of how many times she’s crossed the finish line at the Cape Town Marathon, as well as finishing marathons in Prague, Marrakech and countless Half marathons!

Alongside these incredible achievements she has also taken part in the Cape Town Cycle Tour, at a staggering 109km!

Denise Yarrow – Sportive Breaks Product Manager

Denise is one of our dedicated Product Manager’s for Sportive Breaks, our sister company that specialises in cycling holidays of all varieties. Denise is a huge advocate for female involvement in participation events and regularly attends networking events to help empower women to get involved in participation sports at all levels!

She has an incredible record in participation events having run London Marathon twice, the Paris Marathon, Chester Marathon, Loch Ness Marathon, Edinburgh Marathon, Manchester Marathon, Venice Marathon and the Amsterdam Marathon. Some list!

Alongside running marathons, she has got an incredible record in triathlons, having completed the full distance Lakesman triathlon (12hr 54min to be precise!), alongside half distance events as the Holkham Outlaw, Nottingham Outlaw and The Geordieman.

This is all whilst she runs and manages our cycling events, Denise is about to go on our Calpe training camps as she trains for the Mallorca 312!

One of Denise’s main aims this year is to swim half a million metres, including swimming the full length of Ullswater in the Lake District!

Hattie Pearson – Influencer, joining us on our Sportive Breaks Calpe Training Camp

Hattie Pearson is a Hits Radio DJ and works in collaboration with our cycling brand, Sportive Breaks to promote our packages, including our Calpe Training Camps which start next week. Alongside that she completed the London Marathon in 2012, as well as completing an Ironman last year as well.

Hattie works with with Nike and Sportshoes as an ambassador for them, as well as representing Team Outlaw and Fund her Tri for mentoring new triathletes, with a focus on encouraging women to get involved with triathlons in any capacity.

Across all of our brands at Destination Sport Experiences, we are proud to support, empower and push women to succeed, whether it be at work or in any of the events that we provide services for, across all the sports that we are involved with.

Fancy getting involved in a female only event? Check out our women-only cycling tours.