Marathon Tours & Travel, in collaboration with The Blue Avocado, are offering the chance to win a fantastic package of 3 sessions that can be booked over a period of 5 weeks. Included as part of this package is 3 one-to-one coaching sessions of 30 mins with personalised nutritional advice to fit your objectives, whether they are to lose weight or boost performance (or both). For a limited time only we have a special offer* of £99 instead of £150, just quote ‘destination’ when you book your sessions.

For the majority of cyclists or runners the biggest performance improvement will come from being at your ideal weight!

To improve your weight/power ratio, reduce impact on joints or knees, and increase your energy level, you have to reach a healthy weight first. Marathon Tours & Travel have teamed up with The Blue Avocado, a coaching and health brand with dedicated one-to-one coaches to give our athletes the best chance of reaching their ideal healthy weight and increasing their performance.

To manage your weight, you may have tried diets or even supplements and vitamins. The truth is none of these solutions work in isolation, so don’t let this limit your potential! The Blue Avocado approach is based on a nutritional plan combined with coaching that provides a personalised and highly tailored fitness plan. The plan creates a balance between what you eat and when you eat it. Plus, it also takes into account lifestyle, training and recovery as part of the approach to help reduce inflammation risks and injuries and to make sure you don’t miss out on anything fun by being on a diet.

Reaching the ideal weight is difficult and everyone needs encouragement through the process; this is where coaches can help. Coaching enables you to focus on your goals, identify what works well for you, and provide tools to reach your weight target.

5 personalised Fitness Plans Up For Grabs!

-3 one-to-one coaching sessions of 30 minutes with personalised nutritional advice to fit your objectives.

-Expert nutritional plan combined with coaching to help you stick to your goals.

-Plus, we have a special offer* of £99 instead of £150.

(*)Terms and condition applies