Winter training; how to stay motivated whilst training in winter

A photo of a runner taking part in the Icefjord Midnight Marathon demonstrating running during winter

Christmas is over. New Years is done. It’s back to the grind and refocusing for what you want to do this year. But sadly, winter is only its infancy. It’s a difficult time of year for runners, with cold, wet and dark evenings, following on from an enjoyable Christmas period. But that doesn’t mean it has to be unenjoyable or unachievable.

Winter training can and often does provide the core foundations of successful completion of half marathons and marathons. By maintaining discipline during the colder, darker months you can set yourself up perfectly for your spring, summer or autumn running. Here are our top tips for staying motivated during winter training…

Take advantage of the cooler conditions where possible

Although it may feel less than ideal to run in cold, damp and potentially dark conditions, you can turn it in to an advantage. The cooler conditions make longer runs easier, or if you are doing interval running drills, can help to make the recovery process faster. We’d all prefer to be running in dry, milder conditions, but the cool can provide a good opportunity to nail those longer runs that you may have been putting off!

But always be realistic with the weather…

Make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing, layer up and make sure you’re prepared for conditions, especially those that could change fast. Not wearing the correct footwear or equipment can cause injuries which will set your training regime back. In addition to that, be realistic. If conditions are too difficult, adapt your training regime to indoor activities if possible, or get going again when things improve.

Set realistic targets

It can be incredibly difficult to get yourself up for winter running training if your targets are one-dimensional. Although you may be targeting a 13.1 mile or 26.2 mile completion distance, it can be hard to achieve the full distance in such conditions. Try different key components of your running training plan, such as hill running (as long as conditions allow) or interval running drills – your body will thank you for doing the hard yards in the winter when you reach the warmer months.

Reward yourself when you reach milestones

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, you should always reward yourself when you achieve the milestones that you have set out to achieve. It’s a key component of discipline. To help you get through the winter regime, reward yourself at the end of however many exercises you do with a treat, whether that be a rest day, a nice meal or anything that makes you happy! It will keep you going every time you need that extra push.

Fuel yourself properly

It may not be as hot, sweaty or as taxing as running in the summer months, but it is important to continue to hydrate yourself properly in the winter months. Proper hydration remains important for both performance and recovery. Drink water throughout the day and consider sports drinks during longer runs. Eat carb-rich food and snacks to fuel you during your exercise…as they will also help to keep you warm!

Take the positives

Although winter has only just begun, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be dark outside of office hours for the entire seasonal period. Daylight is increasing day by day and soon, before you know it, it will be light outside of working hours. By as early as the first week in February, the sun will set in the UK beyond 5pm and by the last week in February, the sun will rise before 7am. Brighter days are coming!

Taking the positives out of winter running can help make the period go much quicker! [Source: Marathon Tours & Travel]

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