Meet Laura Giannola, our long-time guide for our Authentic Athens Marathon Tour!
Born to a British mother and a Greek father on the Greek island of Corfu, she is a top-notch guide with anecdotal tales of how the Greeks explained life through myths and cultural practice. You can count on her to frequently turn around while in the coach bus with her microphone and ask, “does anyone want to hear another myth?” The answer is always a resounding YES from the group.

Not only is she extremely knowledgeable in Greek history and culture, but also her local community where she has a vast connection to local artists and restaurants. You can always count on her referrals of the best places to visit in your free time. Laura always has a smile on her face and engages with every client. Through her storytelling, she brings history alive. Her excitement to share her knowledge is shown in her presentation and mannerisms. She never tires, no matter how long the day nor how bad the weather may be.
Living in Athens, she shares her love of the city and her country with whomever she interacts. Although we have not been able to convince her to start running yet, she does love to practice yoga, which brings a calmness to her day. Namaste.