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Marathon Tours & Travel

Founders Club

Our Marathon Tours & Travel Founders Club is for runners that have a passion for traveling and running in amazing destinations around the world. Currently, we have more than 10,151 members from 98 countries that benefit from our VIP Club’s exclusive rewards.

Member Benefits


Beat the crowds & secure your place for high demand tour packages.


Cash vouchers to

use on our trips*


Priority if you join an event that currently has a waitlist.


Newsworthy information direct to your inbox, notifying you of new opportunities & the pre-registration process.


Look the part in your very own VIP Club Technical


SCC Luggage Tag

Receive a Seven Continent Club Luggage tag to represent all the continents you’ve raced on.


Alongside joining our Founders Club, you will automatically be included into our

Seven Continents Club®️ Challenge.

What is the Seven Continents Club®️ Challenge?

You become a Seven Continents Club®️ Challenge member once you have run an event on all seven continents!

To date, 633 men and 348 women have completed this exclusive quest at the marathon distance. Additionally, 33 men and 62 women have completed a half-marathon on all seven continents. We also have seven men and four women who are SCC Finishers at both the marathon and half-marathon level.

How did it all start?

Seven Continents Club®️ (SCC) was founded in 1995 when our inaugural Antarctica Marathon®️ & Half-Marathon made it possible for runners to conquer a marathon or half-marathon on seven continents. With more than 10,151 members from 98 countries, the SCC continues to service clients interested in pursuing their seven continents goal.  In addition, the SCC serves as a VIP global frequent traveller club for runners that have a passion for traveling and running in amazing destinations around the world.

What other benefits do I receive as a Seven Continents Club®️ Challenge Finisher?

Finisher Medal and Certificate

All Seven Continents Club®️ Finishers along with well-earned bragging rights, will receive a medal and certificate of Completion.

SCC News Release Assistance.  

If you have completed your seven continents and/or have a unique running story, we will be happy to assist you with compiling a news release for distribution to your local media.  

Member Progress Profile. 

Each member has the ability to track the continents he/she have run.  Learn more about your Member Profile here

How to Become a Member

It is very simple to become a Founder Club Member.  We welcome those who want to take advantage of all the benefits, plus those who want to take on the Seven Continents Club®️ Challenge.

The one-time membership fee is $200 and will get you access to all the great benefits of being a member. To join, please complete the “Membership Application Form”. Once completed, Ann will confirm with you at her earliest convenience.  

Please note that the Founder Club Membership Fee is non-refundable.

Seven Continents Club®️ Member Highlights

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

422 Marathons/Ultramarathons and 180 Half-Marathons, including 22 Boston Marathons! Meet SCC Silver Member Joe Schlereth who has not only run an amazing amount of races, but also completed his seven continents this year after finishing both the Antarctica and Cape Town Marathons. Joe has also earned the coveted Six Star Finisher Medal. Next on his list with Marathon Tours & Travel is Bermuda in January 2023. We can’t wait to travel with Joe once again!


What made me start running?  
Actually it wasn’t my idea to start running.  The company I worked for in 1982 had a team entry for a United Way Corporate Cup Challenge 5K. All the managers, which I was one, were told we would be running.  It didn’t go well, but it got me thinking, I better get in better shape.  It took a couple years but I got to enjoy it and got pretty good at it. I ran my first marathon in 1985 and have been running them ever since.

When and where did you decide that you were going to run a marathon on all seven continents?
It was September 2014 right after finishing the Berlin Marathon. An opening for 2015 Tokyo was offered by Marathon Tours & Travel, and I decided to continue the quest for the six majors.  After Tokyo, my daughter Kristen convinced me to do Rio de Janeiro later in 2015, which got me my fourth continent.  At that point, I wanted to get all seven continents as well as the majors.

How do you stay motivated through all those miles?
Once I got a good base established, it was easy for me to run long distances. It was fun and I looked forward to seeing how far I could go and how many races I could finish. As I ran more, I got faster and placed well in races, especially ultramarathons. Now signing up for races, gives me motivation to train.  Also, I lead a marathon/half marathon training group and that keeps me accountable to my own training.

How many marathons and/or half marathons have you run?
422 marathons/ultramarathons (46 of which were 100 miles or longer) and 180 half marathons

What is your favorite race and why?
Marathon: Boston.  The history, the Boston support, challenging course and the fact you need to qualify to run it. I have run it 22 times so far.
Ultramarathon: Western States 100 Miler. It is the most prestigious of all the USA 100 milers. I was fortunate to finish it 12 times of which six were top 10 overall finishes.

What race did you learn the most about yourself?
1994 Badwater 146 in Death Valley California.  It is run in July and the temps are over 110F so it is quite hot. It was my longest race distance wise. I went to win the race, but we had a logistical issue with one of my support vehicles being late and ran out of water two-thirds of the way. Ended up in third, however given the physical issues (dehydration) I had, I was happy. Overcoming those challenges (heat, distance, terrain and dehydration issues) was hard, however it taught me I could push through any race.

What is your favorite part about running and traveling?
Seeing new places and meeting many wonderful new running friends.  Many times, it is a family trip with my daughter Kristen or son Mike joining me. Fun combining my passion for running, seeing new places, meeting new friends with family.

It doesn’t have to be a race. bit what is my favorite place/city to run?
Sierra Nevada Mountains in California/Nevada: Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks trail running with friends. Absolutely beautiful.

What word would your friends use to describe you?

Please share any other fun or interesting fact about yourself.
Running has given me so many rewards, I wanted to give something back to the sport I am so passionate about. Fourteen years ago, I started a a training group for adults who wanted to run either a full or half-marathon. The program has grown and now in the current training session, there are over 300 runners in training and racing marathons or half-marathons all over the country and world. It is so rewarding to see the joy when they cross their finish lines. In the twilight of my running career, I am still living my passion through these runners.

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

422 Marathons/Ultramarathons and 180 Half-Marathons, including 22 Boston Marathons! Meet SCC Silver Member Joe Schlereth who has not only run an amazing amount of races, but also completed his seven continents this year after finishing both the Antarctica and Cape Town Marathons. Joe has also earned the coveted Six Star Finisher Medal. Next on his list with Marathon Tours & Travel is Bermuda in January 2023. We can’t wait to travel with Joe once again!


What made me start running?  
Actually it wasn’t my idea to start running.  The company I worked for in 1982 had a team entry for a United Way Corporate Cup Challenge 5K. All the managers, which I was one, were told we would be running.  It didn’t go well, but it got me thinking, I better get in better shape.  It took a couple years but I got to enjoy it and got pretty good at it. I ran my first marathon in 1985 and have been running them ever since.

When and where did you decide that you were going to run a marathon on all seven continents?
It was September 2014 right after finishing the Berlin Marathon. An opening for 2015 Tokyo was offered by Marathon Tours & Travel, and I decided to continue the quest for the six majors.  After Tokyo, my daughter Kristen convinced me to do Rio de Janeiro later in 2015, which got me my fourth continent.  At that point, I wanted to get all seven continents as well as the majors.

How do you stay motivated through all those miles?
Once I got a good base established, it was easy for me to run long distances. It was fun and I looked forward to seeing how far I could go and how many races I could finish. As I ran more, I got faster and placed well in races, especially ultramarathons. Now signing up for races, gives me motivation to train.  Also, I lead a marathon/half marathon training group and that keeps me accountable to my own training.

How many marathons and/or half marathons have you run?
422 marathons/ultramarathons (46 of which were 100 miles or longer) and 180 half marathons

What is your favorite race and why?
Marathon: Boston.  The history, the Boston support, challenging course and the fact you need to qualify to run it. I have run it 22 times so far.
Ultramarathon: Western States 100 Miler. It is the most prestigious of all the USA 100 milers. I was fortunate to finish it 12 times of which six were top 10 overall finishes.

What race did you learn the most about yourself?
1994 Badwater 146 in Death Valley California.  It is run in July and the temps are over 110F so it is quite hot. It was my longest race distance wise. I went to win the race, but we had a logistical issue with one of my support vehicles being late and ran out of water two-thirds of the way. Ended up in third, however given the physical issues (dehydration) I had, I was happy. Overcoming those challenges (heat, distance, terrain and dehydration issues) was hard, however it taught me I could push through any race.

What is your favorite part about running and traveling?
Seeing new places and meeting many wonderful new running friends.  Many times, it is a family trip with my daughter Kristen or son Mike joining me. Fun combining my passion for running, seeing new places, meeting new friends with family.

It doesn’t have to be a race. bit what is my favorite place/city to run?
Sierra Nevada Mountains in California/Nevada: Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks trail running with friends. Absolutely beautiful.

What word would your friends use to describe you?

Please share any other fun or interesting fact about yourself.
Running has given me so many rewards, I wanted to give something back to the sport I am so passionate about. Fourteen years ago, I started a a training group for adults who wanted to run either a full or half-marathon. The program has grown and now in the current training session, there are over 300 runners in training and racing marathons or half-marathons all over the country and world. It is so rewarding to see the joy when they cross their finish lines. In the twilight of my running career, I am still living my passion through these runners.

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

422 Marathons/Ultramarathons and 180 Half-Marathons, including 22 Boston Marathons! Meet SCC Silver Member Joe Schlereth who has not only run an amazing amount of races, but also completed his seven continents this year after finishing both the Antarctica and Cape Town Marathons. Joe has also earned the coveted Six Star Finisher Medal. Next on his list with Marathon Tours & Travel is Bermuda in January 2023. We can’t wait to travel with Joe once again!


What made me start running?  
Actually it wasn’t my idea to start running.  The company I worked for in 1982 had a team entry for a United Way Corporate Cup Challenge 5K. All the managers, which I was one, were told we would be running.  It didn’t go well, but it got me thinking, I better get in better shape.  It took a couple years but I got to enjoy it and got pretty good at it. I ran my first marathon in 1985 and have been running them ever since.

When and where did you decide that you were going to run a marathon on all seven continents?
It was September 2014 right after finishing the Berlin Marathon. An opening for 2015 Tokyo was offered by Marathon Tours & Travel, and I decided to continue the quest for the six majors.  After Tokyo, my daughter Kristen convinced me to do Rio de Janeiro later in 2015, which got me my fourth continent.  At that point, I wanted to get all seven continents as well as the majors.

How do you stay motivated through all those miles?
Once I got a good base established, it was easy for me to run long distances. It was fun and I looked forward to seeing how far I could go and how many races I could finish. As I ran more, I got faster and placed well in races, especially ultramarathons. Now signing up for races, gives me motivation to train.  Also, I lead a marathon/half marathon training group and that keeps me accountable to my own training.

How many marathons and/or half marathons have you run?
422 marathons/ultramarathons (46 of which were 100 miles or longer) and 180 half marathons

What is your favorite race and why?
Marathon: Boston.  The history, the Boston support, challenging course and the fact you need to qualify to run it. I have run it 22 times so far.
Ultramarathon: Western States 100 Miler. It is the most prestigious of all the USA 100 milers. I was fortunate to finish it 12 times of which six were top 10 overall finishes.

What race did you learn the most about yourself?
1994 Badwater 146 in Death Valley California.  It is run in July and the temps are over 110F so it is quite hot. It was my longest race distance wise. I went to win the race, but we had a logistical issue with one of my support vehicles being late and ran out of water two-thirds of the way. Ended up in third, however given the physical issues (dehydration) I had, I was happy. Overcoming those challenges (heat, distance, terrain and dehydration issues) was hard, however it taught me I could push through any race.

What is your favorite part about running and traveling?
Seeing new places and meeting many wonderful new running friends.  Many times, it is a family trip with my daughter Kristen or son Mike joining me. Fun combining my passion for running, seeing new places, meeting new friends with family.

It doesn’t have to be a race. bit what is my favorite place/city to run?
Sierra Nevada Mountains in California/Nevada: Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks trail running with friends. Absolutely beautiful.

What word would your friends use to describe you?

Please share any other fun or interesting fact about yourself.
Running has given me so many rewards, I wanted to give something back to the sport I am so passionate about. Fourteen years ago, I started a a training group for adults who wanted to run either a full or half-marathon. The program has grown and now in the current training session, there are over 300 runners in training and racing marathons or half-marathons all over the country and world. It is so rewarding to see the joy when they cross their finish lines. In the twilight of my running career, I am still living my passion through these runners.

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

Joseph (Joe) Schlereth

Member Spotlight

422 Marathons/Ultramarathons and 180 Half-Marathons, including 22 Boston Marathons! Meet SCC Silver Member Joe Schlereth who has not only run an amazing amount of races, but also completed his seven continents this year after finishing both the Antarctica and Cape Town Marathons. Joe has also earned the coveted Six Star Finisher Medal. Next on his list with Marathon Tours & Travel is Bermuda in January 2023. We can’t wait to travel with Joe once again!


What made me start running?  
Actually it wasn’t my idea to start running.  The company I worked for in 1982 had a team entry for a United Way Corporate Cup Challenge 5K. All the managers, which I was one, were told we would be running.  It didn’t go well, but it got me thinking, I better get in better shape.  It took a couple years but I got to enjoy it and got pretty good at it. I ran my first marathon in 1985 and have been running them ever since.

When and where did you decide that you were going to run a marathon on all seven continents?
It was September 2014 right after finishing the Berlin Marathon. An opening for 2015 Tokyo was offered by Marathon Tours & Travel, and I decided to continue the quest for the six majors.  After Tokyo, my daughter Kristen convinced me to do Rio de Janeiro later in 2015, which got me my fourth continent.  At that point, I wanted to get all seven continents as well as the majors.

How do you stay motivated through all those miles?
Once I got a good base established, it was easy for me to run long distances. It was fun and I looked forward to seeing how far I could go and how many races I could finish. As I ran more, I got faster and placed well in races, especially ultramarathons. Now signing up for races, gives me motivation to train.  Also, I lead a marathon/half marathon training group and that keeps me accountable to my own training.

How many marathons and/or half marathons have you run?
422 marathons/ultramarathons (46 of which were 100 miles or longer) and 180 half marathons

What is your favorite race and why?
Marathon: Boston.  The history, the Boston support, challenging course and the fact you need to qualify to run it. I have run it 22 times so far.
Ultramarathon: Western States 100 Miler. It is the most prestigious of all the USA 100 milers. I was fortunate to finish it 12 times of which six were top 10 overall finishes.

What race did you learn the most about yourself?
1994 Badwater 146 in Death Valley California.  It is run in July and the temps are over 110F so it is quite hot. It was my longest race distance wise. I went to win the race, but we had a logistical issue with one of my support vehicles being late and ran out of water two-thirds of the way. Ended up in third, however given the physical issues (dehydration) I had, I was happy. Overcoming those challenges (heat, distance, terrain and dehydration issues) was hard, however it taught me I could push through any race.

What is your favorite part about running and traveling?
Seeing new places and meeting many wonderful new running friends.  Many times, it is a family trip with my daughter Kristen or son Mike joining me. Fun combining my passion for running, seeing new places, meeting new friends with family.

It doesn’t have to be a race. bit what is my favorite place/city to run?
Sierra Nevada Mountains in California/Nevada: Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks trail running with friends. Absolutely beautiful.

What word would your friends use to describe you?

Please share any other fun or interesting fact about yourself.
Running has given me so many rewards, I wanted to give something back to the sport I am so passionate about. Fourteen years ago, I started a a training group for adults who wanted to run either a full or half-marathon. The program has grown and now in the current training session, there are over 300 runners in training and racing marathons or half-marathons all over the country and world. It is so rewarding to see the joy when they cross their finish lines. In the twilight of my running career, I am still living my passion through these runners.

Frequently Asked Questions & Important information

  • Which Races Count for the Seven Continents Club Challenge?

    • The following is a list of criteria for a race event to count towards your Seven Continents Club® Finishers Medal and Certificate for half-marathon division, marathon division and ultramarathon division.

      A race, organized by an identifiable race director, open to all applicants (which may be subject to entry limits or qualification restrictions), advertised at least 30 days beforehand in the running press, web, by leaflets at other races or similar manner.

      A race is not required to be competitive in nature.

      A race must hold a permit or license from the local authorities

      A race must have a minimum of 25 participants finish. The events that comprise that race may include half-marathon, marathon and/or ultramarathon.

      Race results or a record of race completion must be published or made available.

      The runner must have completed the whole race entered, abiding by the event rules and have completed the whole course (unless misdirected by the organizers) for the race to count. The declared race distance counts (the runner is not penalized if the race distance appears to be short). However, a runner cannot count a race they know in advance to be short. Participants in relay events or teams, no matter the distance covered, cannot count that race.

      If a race advertises in advance a rule that allows participants to withdraw at a shorter distance than the full race distance, but still over the minimum threshold of a half-marathon, marathon or ultramarathon then this is permitted to count if other criteria are followed. (i.e., results must be published of the time u0026amp; distance covered.)

      If a runner finishes a race outside a stated time limit the race will not count unless the runner is included in the official race results with their completion time or a FNT (Finished No Time) designation.

      A marathon, half-marathon, or ultramarathon event shall be run without interruption regardless of the cause.

      Participants shall retain information to substantiate completion of an event, such as a finisher’s certificate or published event results.

      Half-marathons, marathons and ultramarathons run in multi-sport events are not accepted.


      Half-Marathons: Counts towards SCC Half-Marathon Division

      (i) Road: Races where the distance is accurately measured and stated by organizers to be 13m 192.5y (13.2 miles) / 21.098km (21.1 kilometers) on a road or predominately road surface or,rn

      (ii) Trail: Races where it is accepted that exact measurement is not possible, rounded down i.e., minimum 13 miles or 13km.rn

      (iii) A marathon or an ultramarathon cannot be counted for a half-marathon.

      Marathons: Counts towards SCC Marathon Division

      (i) Road: Races where the distance is accurately measured and stated by organizers to be 26m 385y (26.2 miles) / 42.195km (42.2 kilometers) on a road or predominately road surface or,rn(ii) Trail: Races where it is accepted that exact measurement is not possible, rounded down i.e., minimum 26 miles or 42km.rn(iii) A marathon or an ultramarathon cannot be counted for a half-marathon.

      Ultramarathons: Counts towards SCC Ultramarathon Division

      (i) Road: Races where the distance is accurately measured and stated by organizers to be a minimum of 50km (kilometers) on a road or predominately road surface or,(ii)

      Trail: Races where it is accepted that exact measurement is not possible, rounded to be 50km.rn(iii) An ultramarathon can count towards your SCC Marathon Division; however, it cannot count twice towards your SCC Ultramarathon Division and SCC Marathon Division.

      (iv) An ultramarathon cannot be counted for a half-marathon.rnrnu003cstrongu003eTimed Eventsu003c/strongu003ernrnEvents that are advertised as 6-hour, 12-hour, 24-hour or longer shall count as a single event, no matter the distance covered, or time allowed. A runner who completes a minimum of 13.1 miles can count a half-marathon. A runner who completes a minimum of 26.2 miles can count a marathon.

      A runner who completes a minimum of 50km can count an ultramarathon.

      Staged Events

      Each individual day or stage of a multi-day event can be counted as a half-marathon, marathon or ultramarathon if the following criteria are met. It is possible to enter each individual day or stage as a separate independent event. That individual day or stage is at least 13 miles in length to count for a trail half-marathon or 13.1 miles for a road half-marathon.(iii)

      That individual day or stage is at least 26 miles in length to count for a trail marathon or 26.2 for a road marathon (iv) That individual day or stage is at least 50km in length to count for a road or trail ultramarathon (v) Separate results are produced for each individual day or stage.

      Important to Know

      When you register to become an SCC Member you are asked if you will be completing half-marathons, marathons OR ultramarathons on the seven continents. You are not able to combine half-marathons, marathons and ultramarathons to earn your Seven Continents Club® Finisher Medal. The series must be all half-marathons, marathons or ultramarathons (note: ultramarathons can count towards marathon instead of ultramarathons – see above). You can set a goal to complete half-marathons, marathons and ultramarathons on all seven continents by running each distance on all seven continents!

      How to Add Races To Your Profile

      Login to your profile page and add your race for each continent. In order to receive your Finisher Medal and Certificate you will need to send proof of each race for verification.

      This must be either a copy of the Finisher’s Certificate or a link to the official race results. You can email this information to Events must meet our criteria as listed above.

  • Do I have to run on all Seven Continents to become a Founder Club member ?

    • No. This is simply & additional badge of honour to add to your portfolio! All VIP Club Members will benefit from;

      Tour Package Vouchers. Tour Package Vouchers are in $25 increments and can be applied toward any Marathon Tours & Travel international tour package. Bronze members receive four (4) $25 vouchers upon becoming a member. Once you become a Silver Member, four (4) additional vouchers will be placed in your travel bank. An additional three (3) $50 vouchers will be provided once you reach the Gold Tier. One travel voucher can be used per member per trip. Please note that vouchers can only be used toward tour packages. Hotel and Hotel/Entry bookings are not applicable.

      Early Registration Period. VIP Club Members will receive priority for tour packages in high demand as well as new destinations that are offered.. You will be notified in advance of the registration period for your Tier Level. Please find the detailed step by step process here. Please note that you must be a member of the VIP Club at least two weeks prior to the start of the  pre-registration period for the trip in which you wish to apply. Due to demand, some trips will only open to VIP Club Members.

      Wait-list Priority. As a VIP Club Member you will be prioritized if you wish to join a tour package that currently has a waitlist. This could make a difference in running one of your desired races!

      VIP Treatment. When possible, we offer special acknowledgement to our VIP Club members such as VIP seating at special events. In addition, on some occasions and when possible, room upgrades and/or hotel concessions will be provided.

      VIP Email Bulletin. A special bulletin is emailed whenever there is newsworthy information available. Typically, these will notify you of new opportunities and the process for pre-registration.

      VIP Club Tech t-shirt. Look the part in your very own VIP Club Technical t-shirt.

      SCC Luggage tag: Receive a Seven Continent Club Luggage tag to represent the continent your event took part in. There are 7 tags to collect for each continents. Once you have all 7, you official become part of the Seven Continent Club too! Giving you even more benefits!

  • If I do run all Seven Continents, what do I get extra?

    • Running on all seven continents is no easy feat! As a reward for such an incredible achievement, additional to your VIP Club Member benefits, you will receive:

      Finisher Medal and Certificate of Completion. A Seven Continents Club®️ Finisher Medal and Certificate of Completion is presented when a runner accomplishes his/her goal of running a marathon or half-marathon on each continent. When possible, these will be presented on-site at the completion of your final race.

      SCC Luggage Tag and Running Tech Shirt. Each new member will receive in their welcome kit, an SCC luggage tag and an SCC shirt. In addition, you will be able to purchase additional merchandise through our online SCC store, which will be available several times each year. Gold Members will also receive an SCC Medal holder!

      SCC News Release Assistance. If you have completed your seven continents and/or have a unique running story, we will be happy to assist you with compiling a news release for distribution to your local media.
      Member Progress Profile.

      Each member has the ability to track the continents he/she have run. Learn more about your Member Profile here.

  • Do I have to run an event with Marathon Tours & Travel to be eligible for the SCC benefits?

    • No! Take a look at our Which Races Count for the Seven Continents Club Challenge? tab to see what events qualify, then simply let our team know what events you have already done & if it fits the criteria, we will account this event to your SCC challenge.